Usually our articles at South Valley Pediatric Dentistry’s blog are chalk full of facts and information on dental health and the services offered by South Valley Pediatric Dentistry. But our love affair with healthy teeth goes deeper than statistics and analysis. Teeth do many wonderful things for us, and are too often forgotten, underappreciated and taken completely for granted. So today I decided to take the opportunity to celebrate teeth for all of the wonderful things they do for us. Here are some reasons to say “Thank you, teeth!”:
- Biting into crunchy, healthy, delicious foods! What would fall be like without tasting those wonderfully crisp apples which fill up the produce section? Thank you teeth, for bringing us the best parts of every season!.
- Brightening smiles! What happens when we’re really, truly happy? We show our teeth in a great, big, genuine grin.
- Keeping us healthy! Studies have shown a strong correlation between tooth loss and malnutrition. That’s probably because healthy teeth play a large role in digesting food and in the ability to chew hard foods like vegetables and meat.
- Gum chewing! I hate dragon breath after meals, so I often pop a piece of sugarless gum in my mouth after chowing down. Without teeth, my gum chewing habit would be impossible!
Teeth give us all that and so much more. They take great care of us, so we should take care of them too! What makes you say “Thank you, teeth!”?